14 years ago
Queenston: Quarry Mine Entry
Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
Recent status | Abandoned |
Location # | 3241 |
Butler(a)s burial ground is the resting place of Colonel John Butler (died 1796) - one of the Founding Fathers of Upper Canada and leader of Butler(a)s Rangers - and his family. This truly is a place forgotten in the present, considering how integral a role it has in the shaping of it. The small area is half surrounded by woods, and half by the backyards of a subdivision. You feel out of time when there, however. There are the usual claims of alleged paranormal activity inherent to places like this, and there is tragedy and blood in the soil. In 1813, 23 soldiers from the US 13th Infantry were killed on these grounds, along with their commander Lieutenant Samuel Elridge. There is a small monument commemorating the incident.
Here is the tragedy in the present day: A mausoleum which is in the center of the small area, cut into the earth and with a rough hewn elegance and cobblestone surface, has been buried to the point that only the very top ridge is above ground. A tree fell on it over a century ago, exposing the bodies and damaging it significantly. It was repaired, but over the years due to the usual vandalism and it being a long standing place for the curious it was decided to bury the facade and benches on either side of the entrance. Thus, it(a)s a place for burial, also buried. I find that sad. Other markers off to the side are placed in a row, with the originals lying on the ground and newer ones put there in 1967.
Link giving biography of Colonel John Butler and info on his Rangers:
Link giving info on the cemetery, a good shot of the historic plaque, and a picture of the mausoleum before it was buried: http://webspace.webring.com/people/jn/niagaracemeteries/butlers_burial_grounds.htm
You can find several more pics of the mausoleum as it appeared by searching for it.
There is a chain link gate but it(a)s no deterrent and the place is certainly not off limits. It is a place of isolation even as the small town has grown around it, abandoned at the end of a dead end street bearing his name.
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I think I'll go back in the next few weeks, bookending my visit in the spring. Fall colours will change the perspective. That big ol' dead tree will be the same though lol. I was so disappointed when I found out the mausoleum had been buried, as the first picture I saw of it was from before that had been done! So I was anticipating something more...
Thank you for posting this lost piece of history. I was in the area last month and had intended on visiting this spot, but alas time did not allow.
13 years ago
Yep...buried the buried. Bummer. Should bring a shovel.