Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

CFB Edgar

Demolished Military in Oro-Medonte, Ontario, Canada

Oct 08 2011

 |  7373
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 3276

CFB-Edgar- Defensive tool against USSR

 Edgar is located about 20 kilometers northwest of Barrie, Ontario.

On May 29th, 1951 a joint Canadian (RCAF) and American (USAF) project took place. Its purpose was to mount a defense against possible Soviet air threats against North America. It was estimated that by 1954, the USSR would have the capability to send long-range bombers. The project would see the construction of a series of radar bases all along the country to provide advanced warning of incoming aircraft.

CFB Edgar (site C-4 or call sign "Cupid") was built as a radar station for the Department of National Defense (DND) in November of 1950. It was completed in September 1952 under the command of HC Vinnicombe.

CFB Edgar was more than a radar facility

It consisted of three "Armco" huts, sixty-five married quarters, a school, heating plant, sewage disposal plant, fire hall, pump house, mess hall, barracks, and homes for the servicemen and women.

Facilities included a 10 bed Sick Quarters which provided medical and dental services; also a recreation building that housed a gymnasium, swimming pool, club room, general store, barbershop, and post office.

Protestant church services were held on the base in the school until 1953 when the recreational base was completed.

Three movies were shown per week. The admission for two movies was 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for a child. The third movie was free as it was either educational or medical.

A library with 200 books was available as was a skating rink for the hockey team.

Edgar operated as both an Early Warning (EW) and a manual Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) unit. All aircraft would be manually plotted onto a large plotting board. Initially, the hardware would allow for an 80-mile radius. Later upgrades would allow for a 200-mile radius up to 40,000 feet altitude. The manual system was upgraded during the 1960s with an automated system in October of 1961.

As of 30 November 1952, 154 officers, airmen, and airwomen were at Edgar. By December of 1961, the size of the base had grown to 184 military personnel and 89 civilians.

Edgar closed on March 20, 1964, as it fell redundant when other bases were upgraded. That November the station was sold to the Province of Ontario for $218,225. It is used as a training facility for handicapped adults. consisted of 84 residences, two office buildings, a swimming pool, bowling alley, baseball diamond, hospital, church, and a school, Shut down in 1999, and occasionally used for military and police training. Till 2011, it was demolished, and purchased, the owner plans to build several residencies, as of 2021, it is being constructed into residencies as per the plan called Eagles Rest Estates

Current leftovers of CFB Edgar

The main building of CFB Edgar that had radar for detecting missiles is destroyed along with the majority of the buildings, which have already been demolished. However, there still are some structures still standing, along with a sewer system you can climb down into. There is a gatehouse right by the entrance, a church straight ahead once you enter through the gates, a pump house/storage building if you follow the road going right at the entrance, a pump room at the very top of the hill built half into the terrain, and best of all a small complex of three building surrounded fenced in with barbed wire if you take an immediate left at the entrance. 

It isn't much interesting for about the first four structures, other than some machinery in the pump houses and a basement in the one at the top of the hill. The church is empty except for one pew in the larger room to the right and an excess of graffiti. The most interesting place is the complex of three buildings. There are a few ways to get to it, the first two involve cutting through the woods for a small distance until you get to the open field/meadow where the complex is. You can either walk left through the woods for about 200 steps or you can walk down the first road-going left when you hop the gate until you reach the telephone poles. Just turn left and follow the telephone wires through the trees and down the hill for about 50 steps until you reach the clearing.

 The last way is to follow the road going left until you take a final left onto a dead-end street. At the end of the street, a path leads to the clearing from the opposite direction of the other two ways. If you walk around the perimeter of the barbed wire fence you'll eventually find a section cut and peeled back big enough for a normal-sized person to fit through. There are concrete channels that snake through the complex that looks like water was supposed to run through them, as well as several deep pits that are now partially filled with water, there is one building with a basement that contains more pumps and machinery. The steps down to the basement are littered with old circular weather charts. Another building has a big pit that takes up most of the interior

. Most of the insulation that was on the ceiling has fallen into the pit. Finally, there is a smaller building with no basement. Also, there's likely no real need to worry but be wary of coyotes,


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3 years ago

It’s entirely gone they’re building houses there the land has changed a lot they’re bringing a lot of dirt in and they clear cut the whole property


4 years ago

it is all gone


4 years ago

how completely demolished, looks like they''re butting in some houses of something.


10 years ago

I remember doing training here with the military around 2003-04. Slept in the gymnasium. It was a once in lifetime kinda ghost town experience. Times I wish I had a camera.


10 years ago

Still a few buildings remain, front guard hut, the church/ballroom, bunker way in the back, and there was other buildings a little further down the road there was probably 2 or 3 buildings. I didn't go over to them though. Still a cool place to be.


12 years ago

While speaking to a friend about CFB Edgar, he reported that on the property existed 2 possibly 3 shops that were for sale in July. Not sure if they are still there.


12 years ago

Had to verify on my own, and yes its true. Sadly, CFB Edgar is gone!! Only the guard hut at the front gate and the church are still standing. Piles of rubble all around and a guys working with large equipment at the back of the former base. Took pics of whats left.


12 years ago

Sadly, Edgar has been demolished


14 years ago

Amazing pics thatch, would love to get a closer look at this place.


14 years ago

I spoke with the security guard just prior to the Toronto G20 meeting, and apparently they weren't even letting potential buyers onto the property because of the related heightened security. But, it makes me wonder if I could gain decent access as a "representative of a potential buyer"