Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Hill House Jr. - St. Johns Sdrd

Demolished House in Aurora, Ontario, Canada

Feb 04 2012

 |  878
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 4011

Recently Abandoned, ol' Blue sits one house East of My earlier posted location "Hill House". the driveway from Blue actually cuts thru the field up to Hill House. My guess is it was purchased by the developer thats been sitting on Hill House, and now getting ready to tear them down.


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11 years ago

Gone. Bulldozed to oblivion.


13 years ago

We have another house here in aurora, that is on the heritage list. The town is refusing to let the owner tear it down. Aurora's heritage society are about as strict as nuns in a Sunday school


13 years ago

ANY building can be torn down if someone applies for a demolition permit. But a municipality can refuse a demo permit. And even that can be challenged.


13 years ago

Yeah. I think the town has laws against tearing it down. I think they can move it tho


13 years ago

Holy crap. I had been watching this place, must have been abandoned very recently. Nice place too, to be replaced by another unwelcome subdivision. I wonder about the future of the place next door, the oldest house in Aurora.