Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Amber House

Demolished House in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Mar 27 2012

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Recent status Demolished
Location # 4311

Abandoned farmhouse, and multiple barns/sheds. The farmhouse was built in 1954, currently crown owned land/NCC, set to be demolished spring/summer 2012.

Found this location while riding the bus to a different location, made a note of it, and stopped by on the way back home. It was well worth my time. I was able to get some interior shots of the farmhouse and the barns, which made me really happy since it was a location I found all on my own :)

House is in poor condition, floors are sloped and creaky, sounding hollow in some spots; walls, doors, and pretty much everything else is smashed to hell...if you weigh over 190-200lbs, I wouldn't recommend this place unless you're very careful, I'm super skinny at 160lbs + 20lbs of gear, and I was worried about falling through the second floor into the basement. Watch out for broken glass, beer bottles, and rat poison everywhere.

The main barn is full of junk, but I didn't explore that too much. There is one small outer building with an old couch in it, but I didn't explore that building as the roof and floor had collapsed. Two smaller barns that contain lots of old junk, including an old radio, toys, bicycles, and even some rolls of old processed film/negatives.

Worth a look before it's demolished.

** Hazards from AdriGab, Nov 2016 **


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11 years ago

This house has been torn down now (as of Feb 2013). I drive by every day when I go to work. All that is still there is the large barn and a portable toilet the workers used during demolition. The barn is in pretty rough shape as well,I'm sure that will be gone soon too.


12 years ago

Did you check all the boards? It appeared that it was all boarded up when I went there, but there's a certain board that may just be leaning against the wall ;)


12 years ago

Great job on the description, always nice to get some details on a location :)


12 years ago

Thanks for the nice comments :)


12 years ago

Nice explore. Agree with others, the barn shots are absolutely fantastic!


12 years ago

there was people living there last summer .i drive by that place everyday.


12 years ago

Something fishy going on in that bathroom lol Nice Shots in the barn with the sun coming threw the slats!