Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Old Factory

Demolished Industrial in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada

Apr 08 2012

 |  1809
 |  1
Recent status Demolished
Location # 4443

Shell of an old factory downtown Owen Sound


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9 months ago

Is this still standing or is it not worth going to check out?


7 years ago

There is now construction fencing surrounding the factory, 'No Trespassing' signs up and even active cameras. I think that's overkill for this location.


9 years ago

Has this been demolished??


12 years ago

Great pics! - gotta love the sign that says, "Employees Only - Others Keep Out" .. not sure I would have wanted to work there!! What kind of business was it? Anyone know?


12 years ago

I remember when this place was still standing. always an ugly, but cool building


12 years ago

This place looks pretty cool. Nice find!


12 years ago

Are they demolishing it?


12 years ago

What a neat place..Great pics!