15 years ago
Altona (ghost town)
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Recent status | Abandoned |
Location # | 613 |
Site of a former POW camp used during the Second World War. Camp 30 was populated by officers of Nazi Germany. Popular for the Battle of Bowmanville during world war 2
In 1941, Camp 30 was the only camp in the world to house the Third Reich(a)s highest-ranking German officers captured by Allied forces "because Britain wanted to get them as far away from the war as possible". In total 880 stayed there. By all accounts, this is the only surviving POW camp for Germans that is still intact.
Run like a five-star hotel with luxuries that included an indoor swimming pool, theatre, and concert stage, the camp's true purpose was given away only by the barbed wire around it.
It is the site of the famed Battle of Bowmanville where German POWs staged an uprising and the Canadian Armed Forces had to be called in to break up the mini-war. For more info. go to "Bowmanville" on the wiki.
Later used as a private training school, a Catholic secondary school, and finally, as the Darul Uloom Islamic University, it now stands in a state of disrepair and is the center of controversy. This area is quickly being gobbled up by housing developers and is under pressure to be leveled. There is a growing faction of historical and patriotic people who would like to see this place saved as a reminder of the past and the importance that this institution served over the years.
It is an important piece of history as it’s the only POW of the WW2 era still in one piece.
It was almost demolished but it was declared as a place of historic importance, and thus still stands, to this date, vandalized, abandoned, but still stands. The place was very unique for a Prison Of War. It had an indoor swimming pool, theatre, and concert stage.
During 1941, there were 40 POW sites all across Canada, they say there was at least 1 escape attempt per day. However, many villagers and prisoners were surprised by the politeness germans showed to them, given the image of Germans around that era.
One of the villagers, who witnessed the history and has loved through, claimed that they seemed more like regular folks, unlike any devils.
The government was looking to restore it but it seems the price might be too high. At least $15,000,000 Canadian.
Despite many stories that crawl around of rumors of ghost sightings, as they do, for many it’s a site to just explore, and “have a walk in the evening”.
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most buildings are accessible aside from one, which is securely fenced off with a solar powered camera on each corner
luckily the demolition was rejected, but the buildings are going to be revamped, rip camp 30 :(
•6 months ago
yes be very careful place is littered with cameras and motion senors i was able to get in to 2 buildings they even sent in the police chopper there not messing around anymore they got eyes on that place like you wouldn''t believe security drives by quite often no alarms went off when i was there but for anyone that''s going to go be very freaking careful the camp have eyes now
Just a warning to everyone that goes onto this property,there are Police Video Camera''s set all over the place,4 camera''s per piller that is set up.If you have a bright flash light and a hoody and want to check it out,then do the same thing I did and shine the light directly at the camera''s and hide your face,also you''ll have about 25 minute''s before the Police show up once they notice activity lol.
I was there yesterday, heads up to anyone planning on visiting, there are cameras set up around the area. You can get into most of the building, minus one of them. Super cool place to check out.
damn, they must be working hard to seal them up cause every building had a poe when i visited!
visited today around 4:00pm no one was around and out of the 6 buildings I was only able to access, building 1, 2 and 6.
visited today, before 4:30 there were dump trucks and escavators doing work, which are still there. lots of people walking around the area with their dogs/kids, the one sensor i did get close to didn't go off, as the solar panels were smashed and with the amount of people on the lot, i imagine the rest are smashed too. All buildings are still accesssible through either windows or holes in boards, but because of the new boards every building is dark as hell, making photos very hard
Some buildings have been completely removed now, the rest are boarded up. They can still be accessed but it'll be dark inside. They have also plastered the street with 'No Parking' signs.
went here today with a friend and alarms didn't go off at all. I heard that they arent working anymore but that might be hear say but there was a few construction machines on site so somethings up with this place atm
It's been said here many times, but they're cracking down on trespassing. The community voted to restore the site because of its historical value.
So I was here the other day. While we were in one of the bigger buildings we heard a woman's voice over a loud speaker telling us to get out before the police get dispatched. When we exited the building, there was a camera set-up right outside...there's also one further behind. If you're careful, you can easily avoid them. Needless to say our day was cut short...
I went a few weeks ago and this is by far one of my favourite locations that I have explored. Unlike many others, I had no problem with police or security. I guess I went on a good day. I got the chance to go into almost every building and even though every inch is covered in graffiti, there is something so beautiful about this place.
Just came back 30 mins ago and was approach by two cops. They warned me that I could not be in the buildings but was OK being on the paved walkway.
I was finally able to get into the awesome buildings here last week! Went to all but the main cafeteria as there was workers boarding up the windows of it. Didn't see anyone until I was on the roof of the largest building in the middle when the cops came and asked me and a friend to leave as the media was coming to do a segment on trespassing! lol
As I was trying to find this place I asked for direction at an old house. The old man who lived there told me how security was pretty lax at times. He remembered watching some of the prisoners go past his house, speaking German, on their way to the lake to have a swim.
Just uploaded my gallery but it is all exterior shots as it was patrolled by a cop the whole time, he walked through and kicked everyone out and watched me as I shot from the road.
Visited the location tonight at 7pm. May people were walking around, but security guard in white Jeep asked me to leave. Informed me that my license plate had been noted and the car would be towed next time. Easily accessible and worth the walk around. Its unfortunate that its been vandalized.
Caution *** it is being patrolled by Police and they are giving tickets for trespassing. Was there this week and given a warning. New "No Trespassing" signs have been posted.
Was just there yesterday and what an absolute disgrace this site has become. Not a wall anywhere not covered in graffiti. Anything that can be wrecked or destroyed has been. Sad to say but there is no saving this place anymore. Future bulldozer fodder.
We visited the site on Nov. 9/14 while Mike Stroble was there interviewing the hodgesons for the article that appeared in the Toronto Sun on Nov 10/14. Although we didn't know it at the time. Mr. Hodgeson would have been a great person to speak with and learn more history of this site. (http://www.torontosun.com/2014/11/09/an-insult-to-our-military-history)
Interesting write-up in the Toronto Sun today that has some of the history and the layout for those who want some context when exploring it: http://www.torontosun.com/2014/11/09/an-insult-to-our-military-history
Just visited the camp and all I can say is wow! This location has easily become my favourite by far. I visited expecting a building or two and was pleasantly surprised with the amount of photo opertunities. So many that I left my camera in the car for another date opting for my phone. As for police, residents there told me they will not ticket or bother you during the day, so don't be discourged!
Warning to all : I was there today walking the grounds when police appeared. Apparently there has been a lot of vandalism ( as you can see from the graffiti ) in the recent weeks and now DRPS come around every 15 minutes. There also seems to be a bunch of 25-50ft holes that have appeared, thatwere once covered by boulders, now moved. Be forewarned, cops are there, and they are watching you. Be
Sad to see so many teenagers here fooling around, so clueless to the history of the place. A group that we ran into was throwing whatever they could find at any windows remaining, writing stupid things on walls in spray paint. It's a really cool place, but I find myself wishing I had been able to see it before the graffiti and vandalism took over.
Just went here on Saturday November 16 2013. We had no trouble getting in. We ran into people while we were there but they went their own way. I found it was best to park in the near by city and walk over. Just have to be careful as there is not much of a shoulder.
In the gymnasium, (connected to the pool building) kids have built an indoor skate park.
A friend of mine did a photo shoot for a recording artist there 2 weeks ago. 1 hour. Broad daylight. Parked right out front. No hassles. Something tells me they got very lucky.
The roadway is being watched very close right now as well as the grounds. There was a deliberate fire set and shingles piled in the road opposite Camp 30 grounds this week. Be forewarned, DRPS are watching you!
Just went last night, and a security guard car was parked in front of my car. He informed us that he called the police...15 minutes later, 2 cop cars show up, check our ID and just tell us we are in the system now. We got away with no trespassing fines or anything, but next time I get caught, they will see I was already warned. I'd say go, just park further away and walk down.
I am deleting the questionable gallery, as I also believe that although they may be artistic and well done, they provide nothing of interest to the location or this site.
i have to agree with robert on this. your gallery is pictures of you in an abandoment, no pictures of the abandonment itself. though they are intresting pictures not really what this site is about, atleast in my opinion. maybe your gallery is best suited for fliker.
It's the one where Peter sees his old teacher who was a bit of a renegade and in the present they've medicated him to take away his edge. In a flashback Peter recalls the teacher opening up a clown and saying it's full of candy.
Great set Doom......."this clown is full of candy" is definately one of weirdest pieces of graffiti I've ever seen. LOL!
Is there any new info on this place? I would really like to visit it. Whats the status on the demolition and police?
4 months ago
Thanks for the history lesson and great pics!