Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Walker Pioneer Cemetery

Closed Cemetery in Mapleton, Ontario, Canada

Jun 21 2013

 |  805
 |  0
Recent status Closed
Location # 8102

This pioneer cemetery is both closed and abandoned. It was a great explore and across a farmers field, carefully stepping between the rows, of course. There was a path partway then it petered out. I noticed a chain in some trees and headed for that. There were three small headstones[together] that were unreadable and from experience probably were of infants and maybe just a few weeks old. This area really should be bought by the county and maybe made bigger and maintained. The headstones are usually in one area for convience of maintenance and security of the headstones from weather,etc., but even this maintenance seems to be missed, so maybe this posting might bring this to light someday and action is taken by this county. There were no less then six churchs, 5 schools and of course a couple of cheese factories in this area in the 1880s. A J.Walker owned property in this area in the 1880s. An Alphonso Walker son of [eligible first letter but more then likely J.] Walkers headstone[2 yrs. old he looks like] lies here with a family that lost 5 kids in like a month. ..................................................................................................................UPDATE:>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relatives in Vancouver, British Columbia have discovered their relatives here as this is the only reference to this cemetery online with mine and timo's GALLERY. They were very happy as they probably will never be out here. Their elderly relatives were elated. This is why I do this.................................................. The five children here died of diphtheria, a childhood illness in the throat. It is spread in the air[ cough, sneeze] or an object touched by the infected, so these kids did not stand a chance. The first known cure wasn't until 1891 when Emil Von Behring won the Nobel for medicine for his work on Diphtheria. Earliest known cases were 1613 in Spain. " The Year Of The Strangulations" . It tends to block airways, paralysis of the neck and heart failure if not treated. Diphtheria is still very much a problem today, mainly in poorer countries. .................................. Thanks Emily H. for this update and I will try to get any pictures, if they exist. The children here who died would have been her great aunts and uncles.


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