Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

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Imperia  •  1 year ago

a year ago I went into the Simpson Humphries House with 2 of my friends. i had no clue there was an alarm in there. we tip toed so slowly like a turtle. the alarm was a motion detector. we were trying to sneak past it and go upstairs. one of us triggered the alarm. we ran so fast out the back door. i just jumped over the 1.5m balcony with 0 care. the house was fenced so we had to jump it too. we were biking down to the other house we thought we should just hide in it cuz there was no alarm. we came out of the house 20 min later we left and biked down. there was a mazda 3 rolling in with orange flashing lights. we all just mad a 90 degree turn right into the gras the second we saw it. it passed us like the guy wasn't even looking. we waited for it to stop at the house and then we left. Another was me and my friend went into the house again because someone took off the alarm. we went upstairs first. the house was/is completely empty. there were 5 rooms, 4 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. the only lit up place was the bathroom. it was so dark inside. we went downstairs to one of the rooms and there was a pillow shoved in the chimney. we went to the other room next to it and it was also lit up. we went into the kitchen and heard a loud bang from upstairs. i fucking swear there was no wind gust in there that was some spirit of john simpson or some shit. anyway we went out asap and were confronted by some guy who said he would call the cps if we didnt leave. so we left.

Autyy  •  1 year ago

I had just done a difficult entry into a industrial building downtown, one known for it's security. This was in broad daylight, on a monday afternoon, so laying low in the dark much of an option. I was inside the building, waiting for my friend to climb in with me. I hear his foot slam into the metal gate as he's climbing up, before both feet hit the ground. All I hear was "She saw me." as my friend ran away. I stand motionless, thinking that someone was going to come check the building before hearing a noisy golf cart drive past in the same direction as my friend. I then hear footprints inside the building, on the same floor as me. Two people in hardhats are walking across the opening. I hit the floor, then curl up in a ball under a metal support in the corner. At this point I am as small as possible in the corner of this building, wondering where the fuck my friend is, if he's caught, if the people in the building are looking for me. My phone rings from my friend, and I could've sworn it echoed off of every surface in 650 thousand cubic metres of this building. I pick up and I hear my friend panting, before he told me. "Get the fuck out." I got up, swung my backpack over my shoulder, and used every muscle in my body to haul myself up and out of the building. The obstacle I was climbing over was a flat metal gate about 12 feet tall. I jump off from the top of it, and I'm running before I hit the ground. I throw my self up and over the first set of fencing, damaging the camera in my backpack in the process. I'm sprinting as fast as I can to the second fence, trying to call my friend in the process. There's yelling behind me, but I don't stop running until I can't hear it anymore. I ended up finding my friend hiding underneath a boat trailer at the nearby marina. An hour later we hitched a ride from a dumptruck driver that was just turning out of the building we had escaped from- totally off topic but he ranted about his divorce and how lazy his kid was, but he gave us a ride to the subway stop.