Hello! I was wondering if there is any real way to check if a place you know the location of has already been added despite it being too high of a level? The new location tool does seem to pick up on a existing location if you select close to it, but it seems to have a very small radius and if you are anywhere outside this tiny radius it counts it as a new place (as I tested it with a level1 place I knew the location of and the side garage counted as a new place but the main building was where the pin/cords were). I only ask this cause I don't want to flood the site with a bunch of clones, but at the same time I don't want to spend 20 minutes testing the whole lot to see if it exists. I only discovered this cause the first place I went to add was a small chruch and basically was the side of the pin radius but was a level3 so its why I can't see it in the list already. But in other cases like mansions and hotels its harder to get this luck cause of there size.
Thank you in advanced and have a great day!
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Ground State no worries Yours is far more descriptive and better worded lol .
Just add it , if it exists it'll get merged.
^^ this. admins can merge galleries to other locations, so it's really not an issue if it's a duplicate.
If you manage to successfully create a clone of a location by targeting it slightly outside the existing radius, a moderator will quickly pick up on it and merge your photo gallery with the existing location. If your description is not just a generic description, we will also often cut-and-paste your description onto the existing description for the location, separating them with a broken line, etc. and giving you credit for the portion that you wrote. It is understandably a bit of a let-down when you post a real gem that you've been holding on to, only to discover that the location exists. I've been in that same situation many times over the years!
I remember when I was in that situtation from 13 different places in one day. But yes theres no concern abt it
1 year ago
What the heck? That was strange. Sorry TheEasyKaybreezy and DAExplores. Your responses only showed up after I responded to Iron Hawk's message and joined the conversation. I wouldn't have repeated the same as what you already said.