Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Cooper Site

Abandoned Commercial in Stratford, Ontario

Aug 06 2014

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Cooper Site - Grand-Trunk-Railway-Shops29.jpg
building was erected in 1907
Cooper Site - Grand-Trunk-Railway-Shops30.jpg
tracks leading into the building
Cooper Site - Grand-Trunk-Railway-Shops96.jpg
some of the rafters and pipes. Some of the skylights are still visible. The building had a lot of windows, the natural light helped to save on power
Cooper Site - Grand-Trunk-Railway-Shops24.jpg
I did get a couple of interior shots through a crack in the door, no access is allowed at this time
Cooper Site - Grand-Trunk-Railway-Shops32.jpg
this is where the turntable for the trains is. It is now buried because of the university building and parking lot having been built in front of it. As far as I know it is still there just buried.
Cooper Site - Grand-Trunk-Railway-Shops33.jpg
unfortunately a lot of damage and graffiti is also present on the site


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