Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


Demolished Educational in Niagara Falls, Ontario

Feb 24 2017

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FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - o-16833381_1437480492930414_1388629358_o.jpg
Front view before the demo fully started.
FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - y-16837919_1437481156263681_992955822_n.jpg
The old staff room
FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - c-16838053_1437481312930332_453627375_n.jpg
A view of the gym before the demo fully began
FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - r-16838189_1437483952930068_1457325086_n.jpg
Maintenece/Boiler room
FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - q-16880087_1437480646263732_1973268317_o.jpg
A view out of a missing wall from the 2nd floor
FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - c-16930842_1610551385626224_1944546094_o.jpg
Gym supply closet
FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - p-16931012_1610552628959433_1047970293_o.jpg
Front entry way after The demo fully began
FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - l-16935445_1610552598959436_1882849473_o.jpg
A large portion of the school missing
FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - c-16935701_1610551478959548_1415547386_o.jpg
Open elevator shaft to a broken elevator
FJ RUTLAND BEFORE AND AFTER - f-16990080_1610552008959495_433202652_o.jpg
View down the hallway with the missing wall


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