Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Abandoned places in City of Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

Forum Threads

Promotion Elections


HitAttac  •  1 month ago

Hello fellow urbexers, I have come to request an elevation of my status from Level 1 to the highly prestigious, Level 2. I've always been interested in history and how life was like back then, and that led me to discovering urban exploring, areas preserved for me to see and imagine what life was like back then. I made this account in September 2023, but I only really started posting in February 2024, and up until the past few days, my posts were sporadic. My first ever urbex activity was rooftopping a school, and after that, I got addicted to rooftopping schools, but after a while, I committed more to actual abandoned places, which I pursued whenever I had free time. It's taken me a little bit of time, since I focus a lot of my time on school and other extra-curriculars, along with the fact that making plans with friends is hard, but I found a little bit of time over the past few days and that has allowed me to finally reach and also surpass the minimum requirements, with 5 locations and 12 albums, with all my locations having write-ups. My photography skills may not be good, and my albums may not be the best, but I am always looking to improve. I always try my best to take interiors pictures that help people see my journey through the entire place, as I walked through it. I also forgot to take good exteriors a lot in my earlier albums, something that I have been working on in my last few, and I hope to work towards a better balance and more visually appealing albums in the future. Overall, I believe that Level 2 will bring me more locations that can allow me to practice my skills and help me with making albums that are better for anyone stumbling across them. I will also continue to work on finding locations for this community, and doing writeups for them, and Level 2 will give me some more motivation in doing that. That is why I believe that I should be considered for promotion to level 2. Thank you. If there's any advice that anyone can give on any of my locations or albums, I'd be really happy to hear about it.

Album Comments

MerlinLies2much  •  11 months ago

there's something so powerful about recognizing when a girl is a psychotic compulsive liar. at first you think you care about their existence but as they delude themselves further into their own manipulation complex they become powerless. gaslighters crave attention. you will never bully your way into plot twisting ever again. every time you lied to the fuzz as feeble payback for arguments and attempted to reshape narratives to ingraciate yourself whilst sneakily avoiding key details and context that you yourself know prove your accusations entirely false clearly did not have the desired effect (because you're a manipulative liar). it's funny all the big talk someone does later when in reality they literally ran out of the room at mock speed to get their precious boy toy (who still did nothing). you had no words because you're a cowardly dog who backs down and has nothing to say when confronted on your webs of lies. manipulators love to gaslight and say someone else is the attention seeker, meanwhile they're the one consistently airing dirty laundry to a thousand people (who don't care). maybe if you put half as much energy into growing as a person and moving on in life instead of obsessing and outright lying about relics of the past you wouldn't be in this situation. you're a serpent, not a dragon and your tongue is dipped with venemous lies. too bad for you nobody puts up with your temper tantrums and delusions anymore. time for marge to check back in. the cognitive bolts just arent quite where they should be yet. keep embarassing yourself and rest assured the only lack of inteliquotents is clearly you.

Locations of Niagara Falls