Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Monza Car Sales Oct. 9, 2023

Abandoned Other in Toronto, Ontario

Oct 10 2023

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A nice place to stop by if you're walking through the neighborhood. A bit empty, but it's nice to remember what used to be there.

Monza Car Sales Oct. 9, 2023 - jul_2009_monza_streetview.png
From Google Maps: How Monza originally looked in July 2009 - I'm pretty sure it opened in 2008 or so?
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From Google Maps: the letters from the sign were visibly falling apart in Aug. 2014.
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From Google Maps: The sign was entirely gone at this point in Aug. 2017, and it seems like the flags got a little makeover?
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The current view of the Monza Car Sales lot. Bye bye cars...
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What remains of the Monza Auto. The hours are still painted onto the door.
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A view of the mural on the Bee Shop building.
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An abandoned car? Not really sure.
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Pigeon! :)
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No Trespassing warning...


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