Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Linseed Factory

Abandoned Industrial in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Oct 16 2009

 |  9310
 |  20
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 906

Linseed Oil Factory during Industrial Revolution 

The property was purchased and the foundation was built by the Montreal-based Canada Linseed Oil Mills in the spring of 1910. Linseed oil was used in the production of many different things, such as oil paints, linoleum, wood finisher, canvas bags, tablecloths, livestock feed, and even some cough syrups. 

Why was the Linseed Oil Factory shut down

The factory closed down in the 1960s when the demand for linseed oil was in its steady decline. As many substitutes arrived for linseed oil, or the linseed oil products that it was used to make were replaced. The factory and land sat vacant until the year 2000 when the City of Toronto purchased the land for $2 million. 

The building has been vacant for nearly the same amount of time it was used. Productions ran from 1910 to sometime in the 1960s. Say, 65 years. It has sat vacant from the time it closed until 2000. About 45 years.

Current / Future of Linseen Oil Factory

For 45 years, the City of Toronto has owned this building and has made few plans for its future. So far the only plan they have come up with is to convert the abandoned linseed oil factory into a community center.

In 2010 they wanted to restore the building as it was before, without breaking it down, along with restoring its soil as it was before contamination of chemicals used for linseed oil manufacture, but lack of financial resources caused them to leave it as it is. Some reports suggest that by 2023 Some projects may start on the factory ruins, as the buildings around it have been renovated.


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1 month ago




1 month ago




1 month ago



1 month ago

I went here and every single poe you can think of has a metal cage covering it, also beware of random people being there as well, super public spot but there is hole in the fence if really want to go


3 months ago

Definitely one of my favorite spots but like recently it got way more scary when i went there with a friend recently we heard voices footsteps and it has almost been completely boarded up sot its nearly pitch black inside the roof is a really nice chill spot tho would recommend bringing some sort of weapon to this place now tho


1 year ago

There are signs beside the building on the fence. looks like they are going to make it into a community center


2 months ago

that sign has been there for multiple years it seems bc its still there and falling off lmao



2 years ago



2 years ago

we got in at night and it was fine but me and my friend both got a bad feeling when we got to the third floor. we’re going to go back during the day


2 years ago

we got in at night and it was fine but me and my friend both got a bad feeling when we got to the third floor. we’re going to go back during the day


2 years ago

we got in at night and it was fine but me and my friend both got a bad feeling when we got to the third floor. we’re going to go back during the day


2 years ago

Is this place still accessible to enter? How’s the security and when’s the best time to go?



2 years ago



2 years ago

There was a hole on the side that allowed access through the basement in May-June 2021. When I went in September 2021, the location had been trashed by some people who were living outside and/or the police. The basement entrance was welded shut. There was a new ladder at the roof, but it did not look nearly as sturdy or safe as the fence ladder that was previously up there circa. 2019 so we chose not to climb down inside and risk the 25+ foot fall. If anyone has braved the climb down, please let me know how sturdy said ladder is.



2 years ago




2 years ago




2 years ago




2 years ago




3 years ago



3 years ago

I was there recently. There is a tent encampment right beside the spot around the corner. Not a small set up either. Full size tent with firepit and they were digging some sort of hole for whatever reason. It was late so they didn't notice us coming or going. Not sure if friendly or aggressive and territorial.


3 years ago

>>>> not true, I went there recently and the ladder that was there is now gone, a few kids went there and the cops saw them on the building and so they took the ladder and sealed all the entrances, unless somebody made a new one but there is a small hole on ground level, someone would be able to fit through there but its really sketchy and nobody knows where it goes.


3 years ago

I'm not sure if this is true or not but I heard the last entrance got sealed because a bunch of stupid teenagers went there and took Xanax and one of them overdosed so they called an ambulance and then just left so then the building got closed off and now it's being renovated.


3 years ago

Last time I looked place is under renovations :'(((


3 years ago

Went here yesterday to explore it again and take more pictures. They've sealed off the last 2 entrances and even had cameras at one point installed at the poe(i could see the wires and stand from where the camera was before being ripped off by someone). With renovations planned to start soon, i doubt this place will ever be explorable.


4 years ago

Looks like a decent explore


4 years ago

tried to get in two nights ago but everything is boarded up with metal grates there is an entrance on the very top of the roof that was innaccessable to us but there is a lower down roof where there is the chimmney that can be climbed with a small hool in the grate that can be climbed down by a rope. the city is starting construction this year though for a community centre which will be unveiled in 2023


6 years ago

Was in the area today and went by the factory. Lots of construction going on in the area and looks like the city is allowing some people access to the back part of the property. The building is sealed completely still wit a double fence around it. There was one poe, but it was on the very top of the roof, but was too dangerous to get too. :( Sad I could not explore the inside.


7 years ago

Checked it out today, was a fun explore. Very dark inside tho


7 years ago

was there the other day, no access now. Sealed up tight, won't be able to cut through the grate into the basement floor like the last people did. It's solid, thick steel. Pretty sure this is the end of wabash until it's re purposed. RIP


9 years ago

Reminds me of the brickworks before it got ruined!


10 years ago

Such a beautiful place. Shame they covered up the windows. There is absolutely no light on the first and second floors so it's quite hard to take good pictures. Third floor has enough light to take some decent pics. And the view from the roof :}


11 years ago

Shame they put grates over the holes and such. I'm sure that there's a way around it, there always is.


11 years ago

Wish the city would be open to letting people inside, I understand the dangers, but I will never understand how they can not see the beauty they are sealing up.


11 years ago

When they were in the process of putting the grates up you could get in under the loading bay and into the basement window. They ripped up the loading bay and put a grate and plywood over the window. The grates are bolted to the wall and the bolts are welded to the grates. We grapple roped onto the low room at the back, but there's a grate over the hole in the roof. This place is sealed.


11 years ago

Those steel grates are up no. Looks like nobody's getting in any time soon.


11 years ago

Got in last weekend, through rear of the building. There's a hole where we climbed in and crawled through to the basement. It's tight but it works. I would get out there as soon as possible, it may already be too late. They are in the process of installing steel grates with safety screws.


11 years ago

The opening is barred up now.


12 years ago

I was here two weeks ago and it's still easy to get in. Some pretty cool stuff for sure! But it looks like there is talks of tearing it down so the sooner you go the better.


2 months ago

and it still stands to this day..


12 years ago

was there a while ago. wondered if it was on this site- now i know. lol. iespecially liked the grafetti in the elevator shaft.....dont ask me how the people got in there. i want to getack there one day to take some pics, but can clearly see theres allready enough.....lol


12 years ago

if the city's best graffiti can be found here I'll definitely have to check it out!


12 years ago

who the hell takes a picture of a washroom?!?!? lol!


14 years ago

the small building (closer to the baseball diamond) was turned in to a community center. There are no plans yet for the rest of it.