Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

An Empty Lot

Demolished Motel/Hotel in Toronto, Ontario

Dec 30 2023

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I know that empty lots are probably very boring to a lot of people, but I honestly think it’s a lot of fun poking around them. Some of the most dramatic historical changes I’ve seen have occurred in formerly empty lots, and this lot is a great example.

A nice stopping point to take a look around if you’re on a walk.

An Empty Lot - reference_library_1830s_peacock_hotel.jpg
From the Toronto Reference Library: The Peacock Tavern in the 1830s.
An Empty Lot - demolished_building_sep_2007.png
From Google Maps: September 2007.
An Empty Lot - demolished_building_jul_2009.png
From Google Maps: July 2009.
An Empty Lot - demolished_building_aug_2014.png
From Google Maps: August 2014.
An Empty Lot - demolished_building_sep_2016.png
From Google Maps: September 2016.
An Empty Lot - demolished_building_mar_2018.png
From Google Maps: March 2018.
An Empty Lot - demolished_building_jun_2018.png
From Google Maps: June 2018.
An Empty Lot - peacock_hotel_toronto_star.jpg
From the Toronto Star: The day after the fire.
An Empty Lot - peacock_hotel_cbc.jpg
From CBC Toronto: A view of the damage from the back.
An Empty Lot - demolished_building_sep_2019.png
From Google Maps: September 2019. Boarded up after the damage from the fire.
An Empty Lot - demolished_building_sep_2020.png
From Google Maps: September 2020. The huge soot stain from the fire is still visible.
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Now. The soot stain is still visible on the neighbouring building.
An Empty Lot - IMG_20231230_142654064_HDR.jpg
Development notice.
An Empty Lot - IMG_20231230_143030886_HDR.jpg
A better view of the vacant lot and the huge soot stain on the building.


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