14 years ago
Algoma, Unorganized, South East Part, Ontario
Algoma, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Spanish, Ontario
Wawa, Ontario
....In This World? Nate Dogg (Teardrops & Closed Caskets Original)
Its what I was thinking as this was the first explore after a looooooooooong time that I guess I pushed myself to do (wasnt told an address, and didnt notice it was even on this site ahahahaha). I saw it on route to a friends and saw what was referred to in the creation of this location, as a "shack. It reminded me of much I wish it didnt, however, life goes on. And it somehow gets better.... Then with time, it starts to warp into maybe not what you necessarily WANT, but becomes what you MANIFEST. "That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves." Garth Stien, from The Art Of Racing In The Rain.
Its not a shack, but a part of what would be a mostly salvaged and taken barn, or outbuilding of sorts. Behind it is an old Plymouth car that is no longer a car, and now a shell. There are various bits of farming equimpent in the form of machines, in the general area. There is a area with a concrete foundation with a chain attached. Its a bit of a distance from the barn/outbuilding that is collapsed, so Im not really sure what it is. might just be a small block too. not a foundation.....
Then, the tractor access for the farmer/farmer across the road to get to the field, is in actuality the original driveway for the house. The house looks to have been burnt and collapsed well over 20+ years ago, but the album before didnt even "explore" the place. So, the house is stone foundation, and timber framed, and sided. Metal roofed. From the fact that the town here has ONE (1) stone building that I have seen, this must be old. The house looks to have been full when it burnt. There is also a "pioneer" machine to tear up the land in the field, that has unfortunatley mostly rotted, and there is a small area that was for beekeeping. Mountains of random shit. Some, if not all, has been picked thru by the farmer. Resourceful people, they are.
That, is my observations.