Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Don Mills Road

Active Other in Toronto, Ontario

Apr 22 2011

 |  1874
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Don Mills Road - Abandoned--one1.jpg
The old road starts just south of Overlea Blvd below the apartment building
Don Mills Road - Abandoned--one2.jpg
Trees growing in the old raodway
Don Mills Road - Abandoned--one3.jpg
In places the road is being taken over by trees.
Don Mills Road - Abandoned--one4.jpg
One lane bailey bridge over the cn tracks.
Don Mills Road - Abandoned--one7.jpg
This bridge on the old road is near the elevated wetlands on the DVP and is still in use.
Don Mills Road - Abandoned--one8.jpg
This tree root has pushed the old pavement up by nearly a foot.


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