Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Next flag stop: Furnace Falls

Unknown Ghost Town in Minden Hills, Ontario

Jun 30 2010

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Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-21.jpg
The southern part of Furnace Falls was located on White Boundary Rd. 1.2 km in from County Rd. 503. This is the only building remaining in the open fields here.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-22.jpg
Downtown Furnace Falls.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-23.jpg
A creek that runs into the Irondale River is located just west of Furnace Falls. I wonder what year this bridge was built.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-24.jpg
The main falls on County Rd. 503 is now a picnic area but is not Furnace Falls proper.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-25.jpg
Footings of a building where White Boundary Rd. touches 503.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-27.jpg
7 kms in on White Boundary Rd. lies the eastern extent of Furnace Falls near the fork in the road to White Lake. Here is a well-kept, abandoned log farmhouse.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-28.jpg
This log barn is located on Rd. 503 just east of White Boundary Rd.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-29.jpg
Old home beside the barn.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-213.jpg
This old wooden shed is to the SW of the barn. The railway was located beside it and crossed the small creek just off to the right. I believe this was the village's shed flag stop that Ron Brown mentions in his books.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-214.jpg
Looking west along the old IB&OR railway bed. Notice the wood on the right side. This may have been part of the original tramway that existed a few yrs. prior to the railway being built to the Snowdon Iron Mine.
Next flag stop: Furnace Falls  - Furnace-Falls-(ghost-town)-215.jpg
Looking east along the old IB&OR railway bed. Another 3 kms will take you to the old Snowdon Iron Mine.


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