Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

295 West Side Rd

Demolished House in Port Colborne, Ontario

Mar 12 2013

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295 West Side Rd - 01 - IMG_0198f - OAP.jpg
One thing about busy inner-city exploration; there may be a lot more eyes around, but there sure are more parking options. So much easier to blend in! This pic actually makes the house look decently sized. Let's get a bit closer....
295 West Side Rd - 02 - IMG_0100c - OAP.jpg
There... is it really a house? In all seriousness, my brother recently built a shed in his backyard bigger than this.
295 West Side Rd - 03 - IMG_0070d - OAP.jpg
No signs of burnt walls, but a gooey brown residue covering the ceiling over the stove seemed to hint that there was some kind of a grease fire here. Perhaps the odor damage was what ultimately caused the owner to leave.
295 West Side Rd - 04 - IMG_0054C2 - OAP.jpg
A very nice left-over collection: and fittingly enough for this week (mid-March 2013), guess what was lying right on top of the pile?....
295 West Side Rd - 05 - IMG_0056 - OAP.jpg
RIP Tom: February 9, 1936 to March 6, 2013
295 West Side Rd - 06 - IMG_0061e.jpg
Careful! This green blind may be all that separates you from the violent vigilante mob of Port Colborne spotting you and attacking you for trespassing.
295 West Side Rd - 07 - IMG_0064b4.jpg
This tiny house seems fit for little more than a leprechaun, or a hobbit, or maybe the Wizard of Oz. And perhaps this is his magic curtain! Whatever could be behind it?
295 West Side Rd - 011 - IMG_0072c.jpg
Yes, you know I had to.
295 West Side Rd - 012 - IMG_0073b.jpg
So basically, that's it. I was just getting ready to leave the place and sneak my way out when I spotted one last cupboard door that I had not opened. Hoping for another leftover, I pulled the handle...
295 West Side Rd - 014 - IMG_0079b.jpg
Welcome to the smallest and most narrow staircase EVER! I could not believe this tiny box of a house could have a 2nd level. I dislike "selfies", but had to take this to stress the ridiculous size. And I'm not big!


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