Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

1914 Church

Closed Church in West Nipissing / Nipissing Ouest, Ontario, Canada

Oct 09 2015

 |  1832
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Recent status Closed
Location # 12797

Sacred Heart church, built in 1914 has been closed since it was condemned two years ago. Different options were considered to repair the church, but all were deemed too expensive (~7M). Standing at the altar area, one can see how much the churched has bowed outward. The building suffered and unfortunate renovation in 1966 which saw the removal of the original interior. The walls, that had been hand stenciled were covered in cream coloured marble. The building is currently under demolition, although very much intact at the moment so still worth a look if you are in the area. Small crew of workers removing interior items. Some asbestos abatement happening in the furnace room, but only quasi-official it appears. the basement has several layers of ceiling, but at the very top you can see that it originally had a stamped tin ceiling at about twelve foot height! One can catch glimpses of how the church must have looked prior to the '66 renovation.


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9 years ago

Nice add. Too bad it's coming down.


9 years ago

What a shame to let it go to waste.