Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Rebecca Road

Demolished House in Thames Centre, Ontario, Canada

Apr 04 2010

 |  2242
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 1336

Pics of an abandoned farm house. Building is fairly sturdy. The front part is the original, with the back added later. Demolished Sept. 2012.


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12 years ago

I drove past yesterday. This site is now just a pile of wood.


12 years ago

I was thre April 17th still there, only took pics with the iphone but will go back to do real ones


12 years ago

My guess is the barn was taken for scrap metal... the fact that all remnants of it is gone is really odd though. ... The second floor of the new building has been harvested for it's hardwood as well. ... very high activity farmhouse, watch out for collage students.


13 years ago

Dropped by on the weekend and it looks like the barn was demolished and removed in the past year. Seems weird that they'd take the time to remove the barn while leaving the house standing.


13 years ago

given the activity on this site....I'm keeping away.


13 years ago

well...maybe I can get in it this weekend, unless Skye and doom want to see Crowe again.


13 years ago

You mean what you will do with them, sonic! Get in before it's demolished.


13 years ago

the colours in this place are amazing. man what I could do with these colours.


13 years ago

i've visited this location a few times now. last time i went (a few months ago) i noticed the shed was completely gone. looked like someone came by and cleaned it up, it had pretty much collapsed in it's self the previous time i seen it.


13 years ago

It looks like we went by this place only one day after kwils. Oct 17th. This place looks like it's been vacant for an awful long time. I also wouldn't call the place 'in good shape', it's pretty much been demolished beyond redemption. Not that it was much of a house to begin with. I counted 4 different types of exterior structures, all painted yellow trying to blend in with each other. I


13 years ago

First abandoned place I've seen with a computer.


14 years ago

It looks like we went by this place only one day after kwils. Oct 17th. This place looks like it's been vacant for an awfully long time. I also wouldn't call the place 'in good shape', it's pretty much been demolished beyond redemption. Not that it was much of a house to begin with. I counted 4 different types of exterior structures, all painted yellow trying to blend in with each other.


14 years ago

Here is a video of us exploring this location: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7OD7o5ivQc


14 years ago

Does anyone have any history on this place? We intend to explore it and make a video of our findings here...and i'd love to know more about this place...