Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Haunted House of Horrors

Demolished House in Guelph, Ontario, Canada

May 17 2016

 |  3529
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 13531

Abandoned haunted house/former butchershop in the southern part of Guelph. Currently abandoned, this place was used around Halloween as the Haunted House of Horrors from 2009 to 2011. Prior to that, it was already vacant, but had been used as a butchershop (De Vos Quality Meats; date of abandonment uncertain) for some time (and still bears some remnants from that today). It's currently under threat by a townhouse development planned nearby (which would see it bulldozed and replaced with an access road) and has deteriorated heavily in any event.

The exterior, while obviously indicating the status of the site, isn't terribly interesting in and of itself (being a typical mid-century vinyl-siding house). Once inside, however, keep your wits about you - this place was a haunted house, and it shows. There are large quantities of fake blood splashed over most of the vertical surfaces, and fake bugs in a few places as well. While most of the interior has light through the gaps in the boards, there are dark areas as well. The northern area of the interior also bears traces of its historical use as a butcher shop - the large walk-in meat freezer, as well as a butchering room and a large glass display case (all liberally doused in fake blood, of course) complete the house-of-horrors theme. There's a bit of graffiti and a couple of empty alcohol bottles, but little evidence that teenagers or vandals have come through regularly.

When you visit this place, a mask is a must. The building is poorly sealed, and there is mould everywhere from years of water damage. Watch where you step as well - most of the windows, behind the boards, have been smashed, and broken glass is scattered throughout. Finally, given that this place is on a busy road, try not to get spotted entering/leaving - there is a commercial plaza on one side and a daycare on the other, so there's lots of eyes around, and it looks like the neighbours like to use the driveway as overflow parking for some unknown reason.


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