Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

!Who Let The Dogs Out

Demolished Commercial in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Sep 12 2016

 |  1614
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 13929

This is the former office of Dr. Thomas Hogg, DVM. This property, along with the adjoining one (see location ), are slated to be demolished to make way for an extension to the retirement high-rise immediately behind it. It's quite a pretty property, and it will be a shame to see this quaint veterinarian's office torn down. There is a weathered park bench beside the parking area where clients could enjoy the sun whilst waiting for their pets. One interesting touch (and an ironic one at that) is the real fire hydrant, now partially obscured by tall grass.

I was able to get into the garage, but unable to gain access to the office itself. The windows an one side of the house are barred, and both doors are securely locked. I didn't want to push my luck trying to get inside, especially given the somewhat exposed location,. I will re-visit the property soon, and hopefully a POE will have opened up. The office itself appears to be in good shape, with no signs of vandalism or graffiti. The windows aren't even boarded up.

I noticed a 'test well' had been sunk to one side of the main building, perhaps to check the quality and composition of the ground under the structure.
There were a lot of wasps buzzing around the door into the garage when I went, so [i]bee[/i] (haha) very careful.

UPDATE - Mar. 18/17

The whole property & the one beside it have now been completely demolished to make way for the retirement home expansion. I went by today, and all that remains is the fire hydrant standing as a lone sentinel of what was. :(


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7 years ago

A lone sentinel still stands, the last reminder of what was.