11 years ago
Wolverton Cemetery
Blandford-Blenheim, Ontario
Blandford-Blenheim, Ontario
Norwich, Ontario
Blandford-Blenheim, Ontario
Woodstock, Ontario
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 2136 |
The house 911 # is 683908 and there is a gate, so you(a)ll have to park on the road.
As of Nov 10/10, there is a small barn that looked to have housed small animals, a large hay barn and the house. The morning I went there is was very dark and foggy, so I did not enter as the house was very dark inside. From what I could tell, there is garbage srewn all over that would hide any weak spots in the floor, so bring a decent flashlight. The building itself looks to be structurally unsafe so take caution if you enter. I plan to go back with another person and a flashlight.
OAP notes: Very interesting reading upstairs. Newspapers from the 1930(a)s make some of the memories here 81 years old.
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So sad to see it gone, but it's another reason why I love this hobby so much. Getting to see somthing that's not always going to be around.
Aww man, I was planning on going by there in a couple of weeks. No excuse though, I drove by it last summer & left it for another day.
Wow...can't believe it's gone. Was just by that way only a few weeks ago.
Drove by on the weekend and thought the barns looked extra bare. Got closer to the house and found a bulldozer and no house. Demolished. :( So disappointing!
Oh, I should also mention - I have never been attacked so badly by mosquitos in my life than when I came to this house. The grass has grown to be taller than myself, and every thing you brush up against causes probably 50 more mosquitos to attack you. It's a lovely location, but I won't be visiting in the summer months ever again :P despite all the interesting finds inside. Trust me, it was bad.
Thanks for that info, theurbantrailblazer. I figured something like that went on there by what I found inside. Also, as of recently it seems at least one turkey vulture has made one of the upper rooms his home. Please be kind and careful if you plan to visit anytime soon. Not sure if he'll be there all the time, but I visited this place twice in one month and he was there both times.
Was there Sunday for third visit. Looks like you might have been there about the same time.
I find it so cool the things you dont notice when you you check old places out , and then see other stuff people posted its like wow i didnt notice that .
There were several animal bones around the property. Not sure if the people who lived here last were relatives of the owner's or not but they had no idea of how to look after the animals and in the end were allegedly charged with Neglect and Animal Cruelty. It is believed the woman here had an intellectual disability and people don't think she puposely negleted the animals rather it was too mu
Ya not sure why was posted as 1940`s , will look into possible history on this place and post it .
Made a second trip back here on New Year's Day, someone has been in the house and things have been moved around. This place is very intriguing so much to see will be going back again sometime. Funny the things you miss the first time around.
Just added more from visit this afternoon , by far the creepiest house we have been in so far . Lots of personal effects in every room , upstairs is acessable just use caution . Floors are stable from what I found just take care, basment is also acessable but thought better not to push my luck and take pics from a safe point of house .
yes use caution when entering , floors are somewhat sound structurly but lots of garbage. Basement is acessable but didnt get to view at the time , will go back for a more detailed look soon .
This is by far the creepiest place I have been to, but plan on making a trip back in the near future.
10 years ago
Great pictures!! - many of items left behind from the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!