Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Westchester House

Demolished House in Thames Centre, Ontario, Canada

Jul 08 2011

 |  274
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 2908

An old house I saw driving down Westchester. At quick glance it seemed to be overgrown and abandoned, so I decided to come back later to check it out. There's quite a bit of furniture left behind as well as a creepy old school desk & chair in the basement. There was also a closet stuffed full of hay upstairs which I found quite strange.


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1 year ago



11 years ago

found this place last week....figured someone had already entered it.


12 years ago

Nice find!!!


12 years ago

Well you can see by first pic they had a dog....lol


12 years ago

There is lots of stuff left there. signs of squatting upstairs. Here is a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZLMD4PpOBI


12 years ago

I found hay on the first floor at the end, in a room, at that Freeport Hospital bldg. as well , ya really odd and upstairs, wow? lol, small horse? ferrets?


12 years ago

I am going to say what everyone else is thinking here... "What the 'hay'?"


12 years ago

Really great house! Tons of furniture inside, and absolutely stunning architecture and decor. Great doors and layout. Definitely check it out.


12 years ago

Nice house! Sad to see it sitting there decaying and rotting :(


13 years ago

haha, it adds to the expierence sometimes! but yeah we used flashlights. exporing at night is sometimes more exciting, but you can't pick up detail like you can during the daytime, which makes it more interesting.


13 years ago

wow! always get so creeped out over pictures of abandoned houses taken at night. so beautiful, but however did you see? flashlight?


13 years ago

what sort of things are burried under the overgrowth???


13 years ago

is this house still here?!


13 years ago

One guess on the hay: Extra insulation! haha