Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

RAMA Surplus

Abandoned Commercial in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Aug 05 2011

 |  3169
 |  0
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 3020

For many years, Ralph Mason ran an army surplus store out of these buildings in Oshawa. According to City Council Minutes of April 2005, the City was none too happy with Ralph who was apparently in breach of the City(a)s Zoning Bylaws and had been ticketed a number of times since 2000. They therefore decided to deny Ralph a renewal of his Second Hand Dealer(a)s License. Ralph had apparently also been storing some of his merchandise in a number of trailers on the property, which the city removed in 2008. He was allowed to keep the three buildings. In June, a tender was put out by the City for the demolition of the buildings. It appears that Ralph(a)s Rama Surplus Store will soon be gone ..


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11 years ago

Rama Surplus is not abandoned. The bank did come and take some of "Ralph" the owners items as he went bankrupt, but on our trip here we ran into the owners friend who informed us that he still owns the buildings and the items in it. Looks like he used to sell use goods. The building was locked and alarmed.


13 years ago

My friend lives right next door