Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

House of Possibilities

Abandoned Bridge/Locks in Gordon/Barrie Island, Ontario, Canada

Jul 17 2013

 |  1203
 |  0
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 8247

Way too much grass to really get to this one during the summer. The front entrance is blocked, the side entrance is possible if you can wade through the grass.

It was about 30 degrees today and I wasn't much interested in attempting this one.

Addition information from member Haweater:

The House of Possibilities" was on the Ned Brockelbank farm, across the road to the south built in the 1940's for one of his sons, Orval, and his family. In the 1950's the house was moved across the road and added on to. However, Orval (my paternal grandmother's brother) died suddenly in 1962, leaving his 2nd wife a reclusive widow.

She moved to the household of her daughter in Sault St. Marie in the late 1990, abanboning the neglected house, and died several years ago. I guess the title passed to her daughter, but she has also died a few years ago from cancer. Now I guess it now belongs to one of her children, but someone must be continuing to pay the property tax on it, otherwise I would have noticed an official "Notice of Tax Sale, Gordon Township" in the local paper by now.

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5 years ago

I''m heading up here next week... Will upload some photos ASAP


11 years ago

you gotta make a weedwacker part of your kit, lol. I have a machete but that's for Toronto locations near sunset ;-)


11 years ago

You owe us interiors or it never happened :-) jk.. Looks like a good find, I would go if it wasn't so far away..


11 years ago

GS, I was thinking the same thing. After working 18 of the last 19 days with a bunch of 12 hour shifts included, I was looking forward to a few days off & a couple of excursions, but with the oppressive heat I said forget it. I guess the Canuck blood is looking for cooler weather.


11 years ago

late april is always best...no grass cos snow pushed it all down...


11 years ago

I gave up on a promising spot yesterday too due to a tread through long grass. I've decided it isn't too early to start composing a personal winter to-do list. It'll be here before we know it.