Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The flooded parking garage

Abandoned Commercial in Toronto, Ontario

May 22 2024

 |  569
 |  4

I found the pedestrian entrance to the flooded parking garage, but it's (obviously) flooded. The water goes up to your knees, make sure you bring proper equipment. Or wait 'til winter for it to freeze over.

The vehicle entrance
This is the entrance that cars used. Obviously, it's inaccessible now.
The pedestrian entrance
They didn't bother boarding this entrance off. Probably because the inside is flooded - not even the most desperate squatter would want to stay in this place.
The flooded parking garage - PXL_20240502_212359824.jpg
The interior photos were shot from the doorway, because I refuse to take a step inside.


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7 months ago

i haven’t seen the basement yet its pretty cool


7 months ago

damn never seen the basement part of this building its cool to see


7 months ago

IMO, this takes balls. You will have to tell us what diseases you contract later. Very neat.