Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places
Other nearby Locations Laurentian Valley

Sawmill In Repose

Abandoned Commercial in Laurentian Valley, Ontario, Canada

Jul 23 2014

 |  2024
 |  1
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 10784

Came across this old abandoned saw mill on Sawmill Rd (ironically enough) in Southern remote areas of Pembroke. It is just off of Hwy 17 and very close to the road. It's riddled with broken glass, collapsing structures, boards with giant spikes sticking out of them, razor sharp rusty blades, metal etc left behind toxic chemicals.....pretty much everything cool and exciting about exploring these types of places. Watch your step though seriously, I stepped on a 6 inch spike that would have got my foot good if I wasn't wearing my old Jungle Boots with the steel shank in the sole! There are about 4 smaller shacks all around the property which are still standing. There is the chemical shed/hydraulic fluid shed, the old poop house with surprisingly clean toilet still intact, the spare parts shed (my favorite) and the old break room. These are all spread around the central chipper/saw machine configuration. There is a big sign which I assume was the actual mills road sign up in the chipper machine on the floor but it is covered in moldy chips and old beams, I tried to clear it off to get the name of the place so I could do some research but it was rough going to move any of the old nailed up wood. The break room fridges freezer had some strange awe full smelling stuff in it that looked like attic insulation but smelled like a corpse lol The truck loading dock still stands as well as numerous milling and saw machines around the location. I did some bushwhacking further back into the property and found the remnants of some of the other buildings which had been torn down and piled about the rear of the location to the South. I also found a dumping ground far back in the bush for the tree bases that must have been too big for the machines as there was a pile of them at least 6 feet across their diameter rotting in a heap. The weeds in the back were up to my chin in some spots so I didn't venture in too much more. There was also a family of what I think is raccoon living under the toilet shack as I startled one of them when I came across it and it ran off into the bush. Gave me a bit of a start lol Tread carefully on some of the machines, especially the one next to the break shack, the wood was just about giving way under me when I climbed on it for pictures.


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7 years ago

I hope this is still around.


10 years ago

Reminds me of the old sawmill ruins down Rock Lake Road in Algonquin when I was a kid, before they took all of it out.


10 years ago

Want to add much more photos but not sure how to exceed the 20 picture limit?