Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Welcome to the Savannah

Demolished Recreational in Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Oct 08 2012

 |  2570
 |  1
Recent status Demolished
Location # 5580

Other areas of the park look to be being renovated, this place has been left to rot. The main support beam has a serious droop in it and the stairs are very sketchy. Some evidence of past uses include picnic tables, paddle boats, roller skates ( not roller blades, the old 4 wheel type),various balls and yard toys. There is a lake \ water reservoir right out the back.

More pictures to follow


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2 years ago

it's gone - completely razed.


6 years ago

any idea if this place is still standing?


12 years ago

Nice! Looking forward to seeing more pics