Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

2 Old Rail Bridges and a Cat

Abandoned Bridge/Locks in West Lincoln, Ontario, Canada

Mar 06 2013

 |  1534
 |  0
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 6380

A very old Rail Bridge going over the Welland river and another one just to the south going over a creek that joins up with the river. While going up a old road that joins with the trail that use to be the old tracks i saw what i first thought was a large dog but it didn't walk like a dog, more like a cat. Then it came to mind people have been spotting Panthers and Cougars in the Niagara Region .I know some of you guys will be getting ready to call that white wagon with the two guys in it with the white Houdini Jacket with all the straps but i know what i saw ....lol


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3 years ago

are they still here ?


11 years ago

I got coyotes right behind my house here where i live. No complaints yet , knock on wood.


11 years ago

I hiked thru a field the other day searching for a house and saw a coyote or wolf run across the field. I made sure he continued on the opposite way.


11 years ago

A damn sexy bridge :-P ..nice gallery.


11 years ago

nice bridge.


11 years ago

Should have tried to get a photo of the cat.


11 years ago

And depending on how serious/sure you are about it: http://www.ontariopuma.ca/data.htm


11 years ago

You may be interested in this article, and especially the sighting map. http://blogs.canoe.ca/outdoorsguy/strange/free-ranging-genotype-cougar-of-unknown-origin-killed-in-muskoka/