Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Auto Wreckers

Active Commercial in Milton, Ontario, Canada

Aug 25 2013

 |  4360
 |  0
Recent status Active
Location # 9442

This location isn't quite abandoned but the cars here sure look like they are! McLean's Auto Wreckers, established in 1958, is full of rusty gold, at least 2500 vehicles including 50's ice cream and milk trucks, military vehicles, commercial trucks, and cars ranging from the 40's to 80's. The cars are arranged in rows in four farmer fields with some being in the woods, and others in the swamp. Best time to visit would probably be fall since the mosquitoes here are absolutely heinous.

If you would like to stop in and check out this wrecking yard, feel free to call the owner or at least stop in to the house and let him know you're going back there and what you are looking to do. He has no problem with photographers but wants to know if there are people out in the yard. You can PM me for the phone number for McLean's if you'd like it.


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9 years ago

Lol..yeah it was a stupid busy summer. Had a computer meltdown and a broken phone so lost a lot of my photos etc and other members contact info. A drag to say the least. Back in action and looking to get out as I'm only working mon-tues all winter!


9 years ago

Jimmy's back? :-)


11 years ago

This is the type of place I could spend all day in. It's so big! Active or not I'll be there in the fall.


11 years ago

What a shame, all those old vehicles and parts just rotting away.


11 years ago

I was under the impression that active "cool shit" was to be posted in the forum, not a location entry, and that the Active status was meant for previously abandoned places that have become active again, or abandoned structures within an active property. I'm inclined to agree with phrenzee on this one.


11 years ago

I wouldn't have added this location, but with Roblin's Garage being on OAP (also very much not abandoned) I thought these sorts of places are welcome.


11 years ago

Neat place, looks huge.