14 years ago
Fort Matachewan Grave
Matachewan, Ontario
Matachewan, Ontario
Timiskaming, Unorganized, West Part, Ontario
Chamberlain, Ontario
Cobalt, Ontario
Latchford, Ontario
Recent status | Abandoned |
Location # | 10074 |
From OAP's original post, "The history of the Temiskaming area dates back to the early 1600's when fur trading was an active way of life. Over the decades the area's land was divided up into settlements. This was a means to encourage settlers to migrate to the Wabi Settlement. Settlers arrived by boat, having just travelled up the Wabi River.
The first permanent settlement established was in 1885 at Haileybury. More settlements were established in over the next two years resulting in more settlers, many from Old Ontario. (Northern Ontario was known as New Ontario)
Other settlements were named Maybrook, Thornloe, Couttsville and Hanbury. The primary occupations at the time were logging and farming.
Among the first recorded settlers to the area were Herbert Taylor & family and Richard Parker. Parker who arrived in 1897, decided to build his home a short distance west from where he had arrived.
By 1899 Parker was conducting Methodist services from his home. Over the next few years more settlers had arrived in the area and made their homesteads.
By 1904 the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway had reached Lake Temiskaming. The arrival of the T&NOR resulted in two important things. It brought the discovery of silver in Cobalt and with that, a mining boom which further encouraged settlers to the area. The mining boom would eventually spread to Elk Lake, Larder Lake and Kirkland Lake.
By 1905 the railway had stretched to Richard Parker's land. As the railway ran through Parker's settlement, the railway bought the land from him. On his land they built a station, siding and section house. To accomodate the railway workers, the T&NOR also built up a town between the railway and Wabi Lake.
The railway was the life-blood of any town, and it's arrival resulted in an influx of settlers to the area. To meet the growing needs of the population, by 1910 the additions included a cheese factory, St-Michel's Catholic church, J.T. Welbourn's general store & post office. A public school (SS #4 Dymond Township) served to educate the children. Next to the railway a cattle stockyard was created.
The population by 1920 stood at approximately 200 residents.
The Ontario government used to allow citizens to light bush fires after October 4th of every year. On October 4, 1922 when the bush fires were lit, wind carried the flames and resulted in a huge fire. Haileybury was totalled and Uno Park left with only a few buildings.
After the fire, many residents left the area never to return. Uno Park was built up again but never did reach the growth it had witnessed before the fire. It remained a farming community but by the 1950's the school, church and store closed.
A United Church was active from 1953 until 1971. The last business, the post office, closed in 1961. The former school is now a shed.
As for the town name, it is said to have originated from the question, "Do you know Parker of Uno Park?"
To reach Uno Park, take highway 11 past Temagami and Cobalt. It is located 6km west of the highway on Uno Park Road. "
2 years ago
Would you have a pic of the former railway station in Uno Park?