Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Old Barn

Abandoned Barn, Foundations in Guelph/Eramosa, Ontario, Canada

Jul 08 2010

 |  3560
 |  1
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 1738

Old barn with 2 other buildings. A grain shed and a stable of some sort.
No house close by. Dont know the history but told owner is `lives out of town. Popular place for locals to shoot at.

Barn structure in good shape considering. Main floor of barn is ok to walk upon but half is very unstable. It is very obvious which part is unstable. Large tall inner space with lots of wood beams and light streams coming through. Good for HDR with sun rises and sets. Level below can be interesting and looks a little lived-in with candles and makeshift seating. A kids hideout perhaps.

Other buildings not too exciting.

Will add more in the coming weeks.


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5 years ago

I recently went there and seen no vehicle''s and the only thing standing is the silo,I went into the barn unwillingly,I was standing on the top but I went threw pretty quick,an old chair broke my fall lol,my buddy turned around and said to me,I see you found an entrance then started laughing,so I grabbed anything I could to throw at him lol,but it was fun.Oh,and barn is impossible to get inside picture''s,trust me,I know lol.


7 years ago

This barn belonged to my friends grandfather who left it for his family when he passed away, and was later sold to a development company from the US, so it's largely overlooked. Seems to have become a dumping ground for Guelph before it was torn down. Silo still remains, and half of a new car in the grass


8 years ago

This barn has been knocked down recently.


10 years ago

This place is beautiful! Will definitely visit again.


11 years ago

I don't know how picky things are about 18 plus but there are some boobies in the latest photo gallery. Just saying (:


12 years ago

Is there an address for this location?