16 years ago
Kodak (Eastman Kodak)
Toronto, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Recent status | Abandoned |
Location # | 20153 |
There is a single obvious camera on the north side of the building, though it may not be operational. The alley in the back is full of trash and stepping on some of it is not advisable. It may be tough to navigate some of the plants around the back of the building, and there is a busy apartment building across the street.
Unfortunately, I was unable to find much on the history of this building other than a fluff piece from a leasing company (https://www.metcomrealty.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/17-Dora-Ave-N19.pdf), which advertised the building as “one of the City’s few remaining freestanding character industrial buildings and… a great opportunity for a creative office user, brewery or event space”.
The only picture records I found of the place were from around October 2020 in Google Street View. I’ve included them in the album if you’re interested in seeing a comparison between then and now.
If anyone has any more details about its history, I’d love to put it here!
I stumbled upon this building on a walk, and it was very noticeably boarded-up with bits of refuse scattered about to boot. Unfortunately, I was unable to find an obvious entrance to the interior, but the alleyway in the back was absolutely loaded with random pieces of trash. I’m a bit unsure of why the trash was there (Dumping? Squatters?), but it was fun getting to play some I Spy.