Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Condo Land

Demolished Commercial in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jun 19 2013

 |  171
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 8095

Another block in the path of condo madness. 3 buildings sitting empty for a couple of years now on Bathurst and Front/Niagara. Two of them are newer buildings, one being the former home of Harley Davidson Toronto and the other an exotic car dealership which used to sell Lamborghini and Ferrari proving that not even high end retail can keep up with the rising cost of downtown Toronto property when the condo corporations got their eye on your spot. Both of these are relatively boring empty retail stores.

The 3rd however looks like it might have some historic value as well as exploration potential. Former home of Sherwin Williams Paint and Supplies, it is odd that I cannot find any previous info on this building or inhabitants. Sealed up tight right now but will be watching closely for developments, It's been in this state for quite sometime though

The developer website link appears to show that this new atrocity of a condo will devour this building as well: http://urbantoronto.ca/database/projects/bfront

Update June 29/13: Gained access to the old building today. Wasn't near what I dreamed it could be, but gallery posted.


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4 months ago



4 months ago

these have been demolished for a while. the condos have been completed for years



4 months ago



11 years ago

The gallery I posted is of the Harley Davidson building that Darkman mentions. It's hard to miss the "I'm Sorry" sprawled across the front of the building, but it wasn't until I saw the Notice of Violation posted by the City that the irony made sense. The owners are being asked to clean up the vandalism/graffiti otherwise the cost will be added to their tax bill.