OAP - Urbex Database
Social network for urban explorers
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Ghost Town
The Costume Shop
The Mascot Store
Dragon Ball Z Store
The Panties Store
Toronto explorers?
BassJunkie98 • 11 months ago
New to the site and was really interested in getting into this urban exploration. are there any ppl in east Toronto that are down to maybe start a hangout thing??
How to find abandoned places?
pharispayton420 • 11 months ago
I live in firth,ID and I am trying to find really any abandoned places that i can explore in the summer I am down to go to Idaho falls, Blackfoot, and Pocatello as well.
How to find abandoned places to level up?
Akos Koteles • 1 year ago
Well this is self explanatory im wondering what tips you guys have as to founding places. Also since im wrting might as well ask, to level up do i need to fill all requirementsor just one of them? im guessing i will have to fill out all but no hurt in asking, also is there any flexibility to the requirements? Cheers in advance.
Help please!
Francisco J. • 1 year ago
I live in Ontario, and would like to become an urban explorer for thrill, adventure, education, and to meet people. I found this site a few months ago, and just learned about the level feature. I have a few questions on how to level up, and was hoping for some guidance! Firstly, what is considered meaningful content when contributing to places? Second of all, what is the current application fee for level 2? My most pressing questions are about submitting new locations: How should I find new locations? I have a level 3 location that I want to post, but I don't know if it's already been submitted, as I can't see the higher level postings. Finally, does anybody have general tips on urbex? Thank-you for reading all of this, and I will appreciate any answers provided. Have a great day!
Anyone Use Film in Abandoned Places
Autyy • 1 year ago
Mainly I've been shooting on Porta 400 or Superia 400, but has anyone tried out pushing film to get shots in low-light? What kind of film do you guys use and are you happy with the results I just picked up some P3200TMAX BW film which should result in some awesome pictures, but really grainy which I don't like. almost everyone only has an SD card so I might be preaching to the choir here. if you do only have a digital camera, go buy a 35mm film camera and some 800iso film. You can get the ~~worst~~ coolest shots of your life in a new medium for under $50 camera included.
imgeekedyt • 1 year ago
there shud be like a sub section or wtv its called for this site wit like rooftopping spots that wud be sick i think
where can i find malls in ontario?
mattyg • 1 year ago
i havent found any anywhere n ive been looking forever 😭
I have a petition - please sign it.
marc • 1 year ago
My suggestion here is to change the way albums are shown on OAP profiles. Instead of showing them in the order you uploaded them (like it is now), the proposal is to show them in the order you were actually at the abandonment. Currently, even if you use the feature that lets you set the date you were there, it doesn't change the order on your profile. I have talked to the web designer about it, and the designer agreed to some changes but not the full thing. I explained that this change would be helpful for new photographers joining OAP because they could upload their albums in any order and still have it look right on their profile as long as they set the date they explored it. There's a concern from some users about my proposal, saying it might be weird if older (newly uploaded photos) get pushed back. The suggestion addresses this by proposing a second page or a way for users to choose how they want their albums sorted. I also mentioned that even if a album gets pushed back in the album order, it would still be easy to find because OAP shows the most recently uploaded albums on the homepage, and the site isn't huge, so the album would stay visible for at least a few days. In the end, I am asking for support from other users to consider this change, I believe it would make it easier for people to see more recent albums on the site.
ichiii • 1 year ago
This is more for locations in the middle of no where but What do you guys do about parking when going to sites? I can never find parking nearby and for 2 instances i had to park at the site and it was very sketch cuz of neighbors. It was either that or a 30 mins walk so i said fuck it 😭
VHF Handheld Radio
Face_Tinnitus • 1 year ago
I saw this posted in the UER form, and thought I would give it a try. Did a low risk exploration of an abandoned jail followed up by a military base to try out using radios. The buildings at both sites are quite large and easy to get lost in and also have sections that are falling in, I found that the radios were quite useful with staying in touch and for meeting back up. But would probably not be used in an area with risk of being caught, so I was wondering what the community's thoughts on the use of radio's might be, would it be better to just use mobile phones (assuming that there is signal) or nothing, or if exploring with one other person to just stay close? Also does anyone even use radio’s and in what situations are they more of an asset then a liability?
Upload a location
Westender • 1 year ago
Probably a dumb question, but after having an account for a year I have a location to upload. I recall there had been an option to submit a new location with options to select the kind of ruins it was (farmhouse, foundations, etc) and dangers (neighbours, sharp objects, insects, etc) but all I can see for now is an album upload where the only information fields is a title, date and description box, didn't see a spot to attach pictures. Didn't want to "save" the upload before going any further, but is this the way to upload new locations from now on?
Burlington, NC
joey60648@gmail.com • 1 year ago
Does anyone have any info about the place in Burlington, NC ? Haunted Places I could visit anytime?
NORTH york region
epikjoseph • 1 year ago
anywhere good in north york? i want to hit somethign but theres really nothing. any large building would be nice. anything works. thanks.
Do you prefer to explore during the Summer or Winter?
dissatisfaction • 1 year ago
Both have their perks for identifying bandos, such as overgrown plants in the summer or stagnant snow in the winter. Or the downsides.. like ticks and hazardous plants in the summer, or having to cross knee deep snow in the winter. Personally, I've explored more during the winter so maybe that's why I prefer the latter. It's reassuring knowing there haven't been any footsteps around the area for days, or even weeks. But I will say that wet shoes from the snow are annoying, so bringing something waterproof is recommended
Already existing locations you cant see
Orellana • 1 year ago
I'm working on earning my level 2, so I've been working on finding a bunch of new locations, and it just got me wondering, what if someone has already posted a location but it's at a level i cant see, is there just a decent chance that there are duplicate locations out there? Or is there a mechanism stopping people from posting duplicate locations? I've been getting server errors on my latest discovery so i'm wondering if that's what's going on or if there's just an outage or something.
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